Faculty Awards 2024 | Geneva College-bwin体育
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Faculty Awards 2024

Picture of Faculty Awards 2024

During this year’s Academic Convocation, bwin体育欢迎一年级学生进入bwin体育学术界,并认可优秀奖学金, teaching, and service among our faculty. 庆祝活动邀请了bwin体育的教师和领导的几位演讲者,包括 Calvin Troup, PhD, President, Melinda Stephens, Provost, PhD, Professor of Chemistry, Jamie Swank, JD, MA, VP & Dean of Student Engagement, and Keith Martel,博士,高等教育、社会学和人文学科教授.

The Excellence in Scholarship Award

卓越奖学金奖表彰教师在其学科知识的广度和深度, 为其所在领域在bwin体育校园之外的发展做出贡献, and stimulation and direction of scholarly activity among students.

jonathan-wattDr. Jonathan Watt, Professor of Linguistics, is the recipient of the 2024 Excellence in Scholarship award, as he is one of the most prolific scholars on the faculty. 他完成的一些活动,只包括去年的亮点,包括:



  • 2023年10月在bwin体育设计、协调、管理和主持了一次特派团会议.
  • 担任2024年4月在bwin体育举行的第一届口语和识字会议的组织者,并以“水翁”为主题进行了演讲, Milman Parry, 麦克马斯特神性与林纳德·斯金纳德论新约文学中的口头标志.
  • Co-editor of the Baker Encyclopedia of Biblical Greek and Linguistics and author of multiple entries himself.
  • His Commentary on Colossians and Philemon 于2024年5月出版,是《bwin体育》的一部分
  • 撰写了《bwin体育》,将以卷的形式出版 Sociolinguistics and the New Testament this year.
  • Authored a chapter title “Language and Religious Literacy” for the International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics to be published by Elsevier this year.

Believe it or not, 这不是一个详尽的清单,但给人的活动水平的感觉,这位教员已经设法保持,即使他教超过全职负荷和担任系主任.

During his 24 years on the faculty, 这是瓦特第三次获得优秀奖学金, having previously won the award in 2005 and 2019. Watt has a BS from Syracuse University, an MDiv from Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh.

The Outstanding Service Award

kerry-mcmahon杰出服务奖旨在表彰为校园或更广泛的社区提供明确服务的活动, 以及服务事件对内部或外部的积极影响. This year’s Outstanding Service Award went to Kerry McMahon, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry.


Some of McMahon’s outstanding service includes:

  • 在校园之外,他作为教堂崇拜团队的吉他手分享他的音乐天赋.
  • For over a decade, 麦克马洪通过组织每周和每月的实验室安全检查和管理部门仓库,忠实地为他的部门服务.
  • 他监督了一年一度的土壤分析计划,这是对bwin体育当地社区的一项服务.
  • He has served as faculty marshal for over ten years.
  • He also served as the faculty advisor for the Chemistry club, 指导学生的项目,并协助大Kablooey演示活动
  • As another example of his spirit of service, although he retired from Geneva in May 2024, he is continuing to teach for the department, providing significant support.

 这位教授是bwin体育bwin体育的校友,1979年获得化学学位,之后在康涅狄格大学获得博士学位. 他作为一名全职教师忠实地服务了20年.

The Excellence in Part-Time Teaching Award

“优秀兼职教学奖”是根据教师的课堂教学能力颁发的, educational leadership, creativity in teaching and methodology, course and program development, 以及改善bwin体育的教育环境和机会.

alisa-huston.jpg今年的“卓越兼职教学奖”得主是Alisa Huston教授. 自2021年以来,休斯顿一直在bwin体育教授人文和英语课程,并在成功实施bwin体育的发展性阅读和写作课程方面发挥了重要作用.



  • “Having [this professor] was an amazing [experience]. 没有什么比拥有一个如此投入精力去了解你作为一个人而不是一个学生的教授更好的了, helping you understand the course that you are taking.
  • (这位教授)对她的学生非常尽心,愿意尽其所能帮助他们取得成功. 她的教学风格让所有学习类型的人都能学到最好的东西.”
  • (这位教授)给出了很好的反馈……而且非常了解bwin体育的情况. 她知道bwin体育会遇到什么麻烦,并确保在这些方面花更多的时间.
  • “她在课堂上引导讨论的方式让人很容易理解, and she was good at listening to each of our opinions. 这是令人鼓舞的,帮助bwin体育在课堂上感到被倾听和理解.”
  • “她努力在课外了解bwin体育,从个人角度来看,这让bwin体育很容易诚实而脆弱地写作.”

The Excellence in Teaching Award

卓越教学奖还根据教师的课堂教学能力颁发, educational leadership, creativity in teaching and methodology, course and program development, 以及改善bwin体育的教育环境和机会. 

scott-shidemantle.jpgScott Shidemantle, PhD, Professor of Biblical Studies, is the recipient of this year’s Excellence in Teaching Award. Shidemantle has been a member of the Geneva Faculty since 1997. He has a BA from Slippery Rock University, an MDiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 普林斯顿神bwin体育的ThM和三一福音神bwin体育的博士.


多年来,学生和教职员工无数次提名Shidemantle获得这一奖项. Some of the student comments include:

  • 我认为(这位教授)做得很好,让这门课既容易理解又有趣.
  • Might be one of my favorite classes/professors I've had in college.  几年前,我的两个兄弟推荐我选了这位教授, and he exceeded my expectations.
  • [这位教授]是一位优秀的教授,他对这个话题非常了解. I thought he had great insights into the content, 我知道,如果我和其他人一起上这门课,我学不到这么多东西. 我知道我会记住我在这堂课上学到的东西很长一段时间.
  • Great teacher, joy to be in [this professor’s] class
  • I super enjoyed being in your class!

The faculty at Geneva College make all the difference. The faculty at Geneva truly are unique. 校友们经常说,他们所受教育最深刻的部分是由于与一位教员的私人关系. Often, 一个学生最深刻的学习发生在教师们花时间在课堂之外或者做他们需要做的事情的时候, to meet a student where they are. Each of these faculty members, along with many others, dedicates a deep commitment to Geneva’s mission of education, academic and scholarly excellence, advancement of their fields, and an unwavering care for their students. We are thankful for the hard work and talent of our faculty.

Sep 3, 2024

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